This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.

Week 5 [Fri, Sep 3rd] - Tutorial

1 Discuss code quality problems of iP PRs

  1. Find the PR you have been allocated to discuss (expand the the panel below). If the allocated PR is not available or suitable, you can choose the fallback option, and failing that, any random PR.

    PR allocation

    Your username PR to review Fallback PR to review
    1waykiat nhjryan's PR Jingwencloud's PR
    Agentum07 CraveToCode's PR limdanqi's PR
    AllardQuek meerian's PR justintanyf's PR
    Amadeus-Winarto CrownKira's PR ngchisern's PR
    Anonymxtrix lhw-1's PR dt-td's PR
    Banana3021 guangxuan's PR Shruthi0310's PR
    BananaTechs radiankrisno's PR tenebrius1's PR
    BenjaminLHR nguyiyang's PR ErnestCuong's PR
    BenjaminTan99 SpdPnd98's PR ryanongra's PR
    Bluntsord El0hime's PR wlren's PR
    BryannYeap Jeromesyl's PR eeliana's PR
    CSYGalvin adam-ky's PR weichang18's PR
    Chang-CH marcuspeh's PR Th-429B's PR
    CheahYan jonas-chow's PR LeopardMerkava's PR
    Chen-Yiyang nniiggeell's PR caipng's PR
    CheongYeeMing luluyousef's PR NaokiShum's PR
    Chesterwongz Yttruire's PR jeromewjj's PR
    ChuangZheQuan HongshuW's PR SHEZADHASSAN22's PR
    CommanderW324 TLChicken's PR tchiong's PR
    CraveToCode limdanqi's PR aishh12's PR
    CrownKira ngchisern's PR Wilfredwongkc's PR
    Cyn7hius XXJJXJ's PR aikenwx's PR
    DesmondTo markuslim24's PR JosephN37's PR
    Domszy kevinmingtarja's PR DesmondTo's PR
    DonnyS57 tianyue58's PR reddevil1313's PR
    Dr-Octavius Jiwei99's PR xnajasho's PR
    Droffilc13 gordonlzy's PR CheahYan's PR
    DystoriaX ruthpohrp's PR YaleChen299's PR
    El0hime wlren's PR bryanwee023's PR
    EltonGohJH kflim's PR Tetrerox's PR
    ErnestCuong jayasting98's PR jeffsieu's PR
    EssWhyy KengXIII's PR ramapriyan912001's PR
    EthanWong6362 MarcusTXK's PR jyrw's PR
    EuniceSim142 Nature711's PR leezhixuan's PR
    FergusMok kaushikkrdy's PR jackgugz's PR
    GWphua KT27Learn's PR elroygohjy's PR
    Gabau alinaleehx's PR KishendranVendarKon's PR
    GabrielWLM bharathcs's PR hungkhoaitay's PR
    GnohChengYi limzk126's PR waynetee's PR
    Gordon25 Preshita01's PR naranghardik16's PR
    GraceWang2322 jovyntls's PR Siddharth-Sid's PR
    HalphasX Linda124's PR rebeccacxy's PR
    HangZelin junghon3709's PR joshenx's PR
    Haozeee amzhy's PR rohit0718's PR
    Harry-Gao-H Kimowarui's PR jiarong15's PR
    HolmesJJ xiongjya's PR ruoyann's PR
    HongshuW SHEZADHASSAN22's PR Amadeus-Winarto's PR
    IceWizard4902 weenleen's PR bnjmnt4n's PR
    Imerbear BananaTechs's PR radiankrisno's PR
    Imranr2 KelvinSoo's PR koh-jx's PR
    IrvingHe000 Moley456's PR wanyu-l's PR
    Jacobnbh nwhloo99's PR qinguorui2001's PR
    Jai2501 kaldius's PR NoraYUuu's PR
    James-Kua kanjitp's PR Jacobnbh's PR
    JasonC01 Gabau's PR alinaleehx's PR
    Javiier-pzk e0543978's PR xyliew25's PR
    JeffZincatz janjanchen's PR DonnyS57's PR
    Jeromesyl eeliana's PR Py0000's PR
    Jingwencloud tanjiaxian99's PR CommanderW324's PR
    JinxinZhao315 zacharylwy's PR JeffZincatz's PR
    Jiwei99 xnajasho's PR luayida99's PR
    Joel-Sung SkyBlaise99's PR idgrr's PR
    JoelChanZhiYang GnohChengYi's PR limzk126's PR
    JosephN37 zhenghanlee's PR rushilramesh's PR
    JunWei3112 Dr-Octavius's PR Jiwei99's PR
    Justinhoejj LMAOboxhack's PR ailing35's PR
    KT27Learn elroygohjy's PR eugenecsa's PR
    Kangxun leeroy999's PR chetwinlow's PR
    KelvinSoo koh-jx's PR yatbun's PR
    KengXIII ramapriyan912001's PR jason-ng-zq99's PR
    Kimowarui jiarong15's PR tzejit's PR
    KishendranVendarKon NUSmhk's PR eltonyeh's PR
    LMAOboxhack ailing35's PR nzixuan's PR
    LZher385 gok99's PR tanhuakun's PR
    Lemonsr Tanishq4331's PR yin72257's PR
    Leofeng10 bentanjunrong's PR yyhangz's PR
    LeopardMerkava zhangchengchuan's PR YoYoCiti's PR
    Li-Lehao TaoJun99's PR chongjunwei's PR
    Linda124 rebeccacxy's PR alyssa-savier's PR
    Linxcathyyy itzblim's PR LiuZhi1an's PR
    LiuZhi1an rldefa's PR zhing22's PR
    LuoZhijie-tom mingyi456's PR Harry-Gao-H's PR
    MGRL2201 czhi-bin's PR Jai2501's PR
    Manoharan-Ajay-Anand asherhy's PR AllardQuek's PR
    MarcusTXK jyrw's PR Imranr2's PR
    Moley456 wanyu-l's PR e0543860's PR
    Morrow1ndy muhammad-khair's PR squeakysquak's PR
    NUSmhk eltonyeh's PR tsm1820's PR
    NaokiShum darrenhoon's PR ngsengleng's PR
    Nature711 leezhixuan's PR whoisjustinngo's PR
    NayLin-H99 charltonator's PR LZher385's PR
    NecroWolf28 Droffilc13's PR gordonlzy's PR
    Neha-5678 srj31's PR yucheng11122017's PR
    NekrozQliphort Joel-Sung's PR SkyBlaise99's PR
    NicolasCwy yzhilong's PR Zenlzb's PR
    NoraYUuu pranav-ganesh's PR tsiyuk's PR
    Ongzl neojxuan's PR tsy24's PR
    Preshita01 naranghardik16's PR Ruofan1023's PR
    Pulpy-y Agentum07's PR CraveToCode's PR
    Py0000 ntwbruce's PR CSYGalvin's PR
    RachelCheah wei2912's PR EssWhyy's PR
    RonaldTanSingWei huisthat's PR xlzior's PR
    Ruofan1023 mokdarren's PR yongxiangng's PR
    SHEZADHASSAN22 Amadeus-Winarto's PR CrownKira's PR
    SKCheongBrian moreTriangles's PR rehad-a's PR
    SajalVaishnav weiquu's PR rehmmann's PR
    Samuel-bit-prog zihaooo9's PR leonghongfai's PR
    Shivlock221b mweeruien's PR tsinyee's PR
    Shruthi0310 YeluriKetan's PR Gordon25's PR
    Siddharth-Sid huyuxin0429's PR Pulpy-y's PR
    SkyBlaise99 idgrr's PR hmanhduc2k's PR
    SpdPnd98 ryanongra's PR rish-16's PR
    Superbestron trash-bin99's PR luodan01's PR
    TLChicken tchiong's PR luminousleek's PR
    TTraveller7 g4ryy's PR FergusMok's PR
    Tanishq4331 yin72257's PR Tianqi-Zhu's PR
    TaoJun99 chongjunwei's PR knotstoks's PR
    Tetrerox ambroseboo's PR seaweediman's PR
    Th-429B lowkangn's PR jiayi1129's PR
    Tianqi-Zhu aakanshanarain's PR shaliniseshadri's PR
    Timothyoung97 tanruiquan's PR CheongYeeMing's PR
    TohWeiJie01 nicolej2122's PR MGRL2201's PR
    VimuthM Javiier-pzk's PR e0543978's PR
    WangGLJoseph zhuoyang125's PR jivesh's PR
    Wilfredwongkc chowRuiYan's PR zhenxuantan's PR
    WuaaAj ZhaoPeiduo's PR wangpeialex's PR
    XXJJXJ aikenwx's PR Imerbear's PR
    Xiaoyunnn Cyn7hius's PR XXJJXJ's PR
    YaleChen299 peilinye's PR jaredlhf's PR
    YeluriKetan Gordon25's PR Preshita01's PR
    YoYoCiti tau-bar's PR GabrielWLM's PR
    Yttruire jeromewjj's PR syoopie's PR
    Yukun99 djiangel's PR rootkie's PR
    Zacchua aryagiat's PR lingshanng's PR
    Zenlzb Manoharan-Ajay-Anand's PR asherhy's PR
    ZhaoPeiduo wangpeialex's PR TTraveller7's PR
    Zhou-Jiahao-1998 vigneshsankariyer1234567890's PR zognin's PR
    Zhouyirui jeremy-7007's PR jodichoo's PR
    aakanshanarain shaliniseshadri's PR tanqiya's PR
    adam-ky weichang18's PR VimuthM's PR
    aikenwx Imerbear's PR BananaTechs's PR
    ailing35 nzixuan's PR wanninglim's PR
    aishh12 jhlee1997's PR nataniayp's PR
    alinaleehx KishendranVendarKon's PR NUSmhk's PR
    alissayarmantho ngjiayuan's PR sueann-chua's PR
    alyssa-savier Zhou-Jiahao-1998's PR vigneshsankariyer1234567890's PR
    ambroseboo seaweediman's PR juliussneezer04's PR
    amzhy rohit0718's PR simonjulianl's PR
    angkoonhwee mslevis's PR NekrozQliphort's PR
    angnobel pcgiang's PR Neha-5678's PR
    aryagiat lingshanng's PR James-Kua's PR
    asherhy AllardQuek's PR meerian's PR
    atyhamos angkoonhwee's PR mslevis's PR
    auhc99 kwokieee's PR marcuschj's PR
    beefham ykwei7's PR Chesterwongz's PR
    benedictchuajj bklimey's PR wz27's PR
    benluiwj yeo-yiheng's PR cheweejia's PR
    bentanjunrong yyhangz's PR benedictchuajj's PR
    bernarduskrishna dhshah1's PR RachelCheah's PR
    bernardwan stephanie-csy's PR eezj35's PR
    bharathcs hungkhoaitay's PR charliemoweng's PR
    bingcheng45 BenjaminLHR's PR nguyiyang's PR
    bklimey wz27's PR trxe's PR
    bnjmnt4n ryanpeh's PR Superbestron's PR
    boonhaii botr99's PR Xiaoyunnn's PR
    botr99 Xiaoyunnn's PR Cyn7hius's PR
    bryanwee023 kslui99's PR nujiak's PR
    caipng softmagnet's PR HolmesJJ's PR
    calvintanwj kevin9foong's PR hanif-kamal's PR
    cedricongjh chrus-chong's PR SKCheongBrian's PR
    chaiwanlin s7u4rt99's PR yunpeng1234's PR
    charliemoweng BenjaminTan99's PR SpdPnd98's PR
    charltonator LZher385's PR gok99's PR
    chengseong somekoreanboi's PR danielsimre's PR
    chetwinlow Yukun99's PR djiangel's PR
    cheweejia wyrchris's PR EltonGohJH's PR
    chingh20 xiangjunn's PR mrmrinal's PR
    chongjunwei knotstoks's PR yuifuku1118's PR
    choonyongchan Shivlock221b's PR mweeruien's PR
    chowRuiYan zhenxuantan's PR huizhuansam's PR
    chownces lethiciars's PR houtenteo's PR
    chrus-chong SKCheongBrian's PR moreTriangles's PR
    chunweii sheehui's PR WuaaAj's PR
    clementkfj hsiaotingluv's PR kdeasymoneysniper's PR
    cliveong didymental's PR BryannYeap's PR
    clyveycui Haozeee's PR amzhy's PR
    cookiedan42 bernarduskrishna's PR dhshah1's PR
    crypto-code chownces's PR lethiciars's PR
    cyyeu chingh20's PR xiangjunn's PR
    czhi-bin Jai2501's PR kaldius's PR
    danielsimre zzybluebell's PR Timothyoung97's PR
    dannylty chunweii's PR sheehui's PR
    dannytayjy frederickpek's PR lrnshk's PR
    darren2pro okyntary's PR itsyme's PR
    darrenhoon ngsengleng's PR kawaiigabrielneko's PR
    davelowqx pualixue's PR Linxcathyyy's PR
    david-eom atyhamos's PR angkoonhwee's PR
    dhshah1 RachelCheah's PR wei2912's PR
    didymental BryannYeap's PR Jeromesyl's PR
    djiangel rootkie's PR NicolasCwy's PR
    driip-ddrop DystoriaX's PR ruthpohrp's PR
    dt-td lwj1711's PR tanjoewel's PR
    e0543403 sharmainec's PR Li-Lehao's PR
    e0543860 sivayogasubramanian's PR wengYing227's PR
    e0543978 xyliew25's PR fullfatwasabi's PR
    eeliana Py0000's PR ntwbruce's PR
    eezj35 driip-ddrop's PR DystoriaX's PR
    elroygohjy eugenecsa's PR sunjc826's PR
    eltonyeh tsm1820's PR Justinhoejj's PR
    erwinqxy darren2pro's PR okyntary's PR
    eugenecsa sunjc826's PR rgbpokka's PR
    fans2619 lizchow's PR felix-ong's PR
    feliciaivane shermannws's PR sherrpass's PR
    felissaf GraceWang2322's PR jovyntls's PR
    felix-ong dannylty's PR chunweii's PR
    frederickpek lrnshk's PR TohWeiJie01's PR
    fullfatwasabi EthanWong6362's PR MarcusTXK's PR
    g4ryy FergusMok's PR kaushikkrdy's PR
    ganhongyao noobmaster19's PR pattan9955's PR
    gok99 tanhuakun's PR thanwinnikki's PR
    gordonlzy CheahYan's PR jonas-chow's PR
    greyguy21 crypto-code's PR chownces's PR
    guangxuan Shruthi0310's PR YeluriKetan's PR
    gycgabriel boonhaii's PR botr99's PR
    hanif-kamal Bluntsord's PR El0hime's PR
    hernpiblo HalphasX's PR Linda124's PR
    hmanhduc2k xianlinc's PR nbvannhi's PR
    houtenteo rebeccalaujx's PR pbthang's PR
    hpkoh ryantianj's PR Kangxun's PR
    hsiaotingluv kdeasymoneysniper's PR alissayarmantho's PR
    huisthat xlzior's PR itsraveen's PR
    huizhuansam Zhouyirui's PR jeremy-7007's PR
    hungkhoaitay charliemoweng's PR BenjaminTan99's PR
    huyuxin0429 Pulpy-y's PR Agentum07's PR
    idgrr hmanhduc2k's PR xianlinc's PR
    itsraveen Ongzl's PR neojxuan's PR
    itsyme gycgabriel's PR boonhaii's PR
    itzblim LiuZhi1an's PR rldefa's PR
    jackgugz kheekheekhee's PR joenzkimchan's PR
    janjanchen DonnyS57's PR tianyue58's PR
    jaredlhf clementkfj's PR hsiaotingluv's PR
    jason-ng-zq99 auhc99's PR kwokieee's PR
    jayasting98 jeffsieu's PR not-available's PR
    jeffsieu not-available's PR HangZelin's PR
    jennibearduit szelongq's PR Morrow1ndy's PR
    jeremy-7007 jodichoo's PR yeppog's PR
    jeromewjj syoopie's PR timiditi's PR
    jhlee1997 nataniayp's PR loose-bus-change's PR
    jianh0ng GWphua's PR KT27Learn's PR
    jianoway kleonang's PR kaixin-hc's PR
    jiarong15 tzejit's PR stanley-1's PR
    jiayi1129 benluiwj's PR yeo-yiheng's PR
    jivesh IceWizard4902's PR weenleen's PR
    jodichoo yeppog's PR pss-coder's PR
    joenzkimchan e0543403's PR sharmainec's PR
    jonas-chow LeopardMerkava's PR zhangchengchuan's PR
    joshenx yourally2's PR cedricongjh's PR
    jovyntls Siddharth-Sid's PR huyuxin0429's PR
    juliussneezer04 JunWei3112's PR Dr-Octavius's PR
    junghon3709 joshenx's PR yourally2's PR
    junwei26 samyipsh's PR wowsiddanth's PR
    justintanyf cliveong's PR didymental's PR
    jyrw Imranr2's PR KelvinSoo's PR
    kaixin-hc Banana3021's PR guangxuan's PR
    kaldius NoraYUuu's PR pranav-ganesh's PR
    kanjitp Jacobnbh's PR nwhloo99's PR
    kaushikkrdy jackgugz's PR kheekheekhee's PR
    kawaiigabrielneko lwlshawn's PR fans2619's PR
    kdeasymoneysniper alissayarmantho's PR ngjiayuan's PR
    kevin9foong hanif-kamal's PR Bluntsord's PR
    kevinmingtarja DesmondTo's PR markuslim24's PR
    kflim Tetrerox's PR ambroseboo's PR
    kheekheekhee joenzkimchan's PR e0543403's PR
    kleonang kaixin-hc's PR Banana3021's PR
    knotstoks yuifuku1118's PR sj1999-BIT's PR
    koh-jx yatbun's PR ooawagaeri's PR
    kslui99 nujiak's PR luffingluffy's PR
    kvihashini wonyeji's PR felissaf's PR
    kwokieee marcuschj's PR jianh0ng's PR
    leeroy999 chetwinlow's PR Yukun99's PR
    leezhixuan whoisjustinngo's PR chengseong's PR
    leonghongfai yulonglim's PR NayLin-H99's PR
    lethiciars houtenteo's PR rebeccalaujx's PR
    lhw-1 dt-td's PR lwj1711's PR
    limdanqi aishh12's PR jhlee1997's PR
    limzk126 waynetee's PR bingcheng45's PR
    lingshanng James-Kua's PR kanjitp's PR
    lizchow felix-ong's PR dannylty's PR
    loose-bus-change jianoway's PR kleonang's PR
    lowkangn jiayi1129's PR benluiwj's PR
    lrnshk TohWeiJie01's PR nicolej2122's PR
    luayida99 random689's PR over-fitted's PR
    luffingluffy twothicc's PR mukundrs's PR
    luluyousef NaokiShum's PR darrenhoon's PR
    luminousleek phuccuongngo99's PR Domszy's PR
    luodan01 ChuangZheQuan's PR HongshuW's PR
    lwj1711 tanjoewel's PR SajalVaishnav's PR
    lwlshawn fans2619's PR lizchow's PR
    marcusc55 bernardwan's PR stephanie-csy's PR
    marcuschj jianh0ng's PR GWphua's PR
    marcuspeh Th-429B's PR lowkangn's PR
    markuslim24 JosephN37's PR zhenghanlee's PR
    meerian justintanyf's PR cliveong's PR
    meixuanjin marcusc55's PR bernardwan's PR
    michael-lee-sk qreoct's PR muhammad-faruq's PR
    mingyi456 Harry-Gao-H's PR Kimowarui's PR
    mokdarren yongxiangng's PR jennibearduit's PR
    moreTriangles rehad-a's PR Leofeng10's PR
    mrmrinal LuoZhijie-tom's PR mingyi456's PR
    mslevis NekrozQliphort's PR Joel-Sung's PR
    muhammad-faruq hpkoh's PR ryantianj's PR
    muhammad-khair squeakysquak's PR clyveycui's PR
    mukundrs nicole-luo-exe's PR junwei26's PR
    mweeruien tsinyee's PR angnobel's PR
    naranghardik16 Ruofan1023's PR mokdarren's PR
    nataniayp loose-bus-change's PR jianoway's PR
    nbvannhi JasonC01's PR Gabau's PR
    neojxuan tsy24's PR greyguy21's PR
    ngchisern Wilfredwongkc's PR chowRuiYan's PR
    ngjiayuan sueann-chua's PR skythefire's PR
    ngsengleng kawaiigabrielneko's PR lwlshawn's PR
    nguyiyang ErnestCuong's PR jayasting98's PR
    nhjryan Jingwencloud's PR tanjiaxian99's PR
    nicole-luo-exe junwei26's PR samyipsh's PR
    nicolej2122 MGRL2201's PR czhi-bin's PR
    nniiggeell caipng's PR softmagnet's PR
    noobmaster19 pattan9955's PR calvintanwj's PR
    ntwbruce CSYGalvin's PR adam-ky's PR
    nujiak luffingluffy's PR twothicc's PR
    nwhloo99 qinguorui2001's PR ramaven's PR
    nzixuan wanninglim's PR Zacchua's PR
    okyntary itsyme's PR gycgabriel's PR
    ooawagaeri sebbycake's PR uyencfi's PR
    over-fitted beefham's PR ykwei7's PR
    pattan9955 calvintanwj's PR kevin9foong's PR
    pbthang choonyongchan's PR Shivlock221b's PR
    pcgiang Neha-5678's PR srj31's PR
    peilinye jaredlhf's PR clementkfj's PR
    phuccuongngo99 Domszy's PR kevinmingtarja's PR
    pranav-ganesh tsiyuk's PR Lemonsr's PR
    pss-coder ziqing26's PR meixuanjin's PR
    pualixue Linxcathyyy's PR itzblim's PR
    qinguorui2001 ramaven's PR hernpiblo's PR
    qreoct muhammad-faruq's PR hpkoh's PR
    radiankrisno tenebrius1's PR ganhongyao's PR
    ramapriyan912001 jason-ng-zq99's PR auhc99's PR
    ramaven hernpiblo's PR HalphasX's PR
    random689 over-fitted's PR beefham's PR
    rebeccacxy alyssa-savier's PR Zhou-Jiahao-1998's PR
    rebeccalaujx pbthang's PR choonyongchan's PR
    reddevil1313 RonaldTanSingWei's PR huisthat's PR
    rehad-a Leofeng10's PR bentanjunrong's PR
    rehmmann chaiwanlin's PR s7u4rt99's PR
    rgbpokka Anonymxtrix's PR lhw-1's PR
    rickyaandrew dannytayjy's PR frederickpek's PR
    rish-16 1waykiat's PR nhjryan's PR
    rldefa zhing22's PR timothywongej's PR
    rohit0718 simonjulianl's PR JoelChanZhiYang's PR
    rootkie NicolasCwy's PR yzhilong's PR
    ruoyann davelowqx's PR pualixue's PR
    rushilramesh wpinrui's PR willyamped's PR
    ruthpohrp YaleChen299's PR peilinye's PR
    ryanongra rish-16's PR 1waykiat's PR
    ryanpeh Superbestron's PR trash-bin99's PR
    ryantianj Kangxun's PR leeroy999's PR
    s7u4rt99 yunpeng1234's PR michael-lee-sk's PR
    samyipsh wowsiddanth's PR NecroWolf28's PR
    seaweediman juliussneezer04's PR JunWei3112's PR
    sebbycake uyencfi's PR david-eom's PR
    shaliniseshadri tanqiya's PR EuniceSim142's PR
    sharmainec Li-Lehao's PR TaoJun99's PR
    sheehui WuaaAj's PR ZhaoPeiduo's PR
    shermannws sherrpass's PR Chen-Yiyang's PR
    sherrpass Chen-Yiyang's PR nniiggeell's PR
    simonjulianl JoelChanZhiYang's PR GnohChengYi's PR
    sivayogasubramanian wengYing227's PR cookiedan42's PR
    sj1999-BIT IrvingHe000's PR Moley456's PR
    skythefire kvihashini's PR wonyeji's PR
    softmagnet HolmesJJ's PR xiongjya's PR
    somekoreanboi danielsimre's PR zzybluebell's PR
    squeakysquak clyveycui's PR Haozeee's PR
    srj31 yucheng11122017's PR rickyaandrew's PR
    stanley-1 Chang-CH's PR marcuspeh's PR
    stephanie-csy eezj35's PR driip-ddrop's PR
    sueann-chua skythefire's PR kvihashini's PR
    sunjc826 rgbpokka's PR Anonymxtrix's PR
    syoopie timiditi's PR wilburrito's PR
    szelongq Morrow1ndy's PR muhammad-khair's PR
    tanhuakun thanwinnikki's PR erwinqxy's PR
    tanjiaxian99 CommanderW324's PR TLChicken's PR
    tanjoewel SajalVaishnav's PR weiquu's PR
    tanqiya EuniceSim142's PR Nature711's PR
    tanruiquan CheongYeeMing's PR luluyousef's PR
    tau-bar GabrielWLM's PR bharathcs's PR
    tchiong luminousleek's PR phuccuongngo99's PR
    tenebrius1 ganhongyao's PR noobmaster19's PR
    thanwinnikki erwinqxy's PR darren2pro's PR
    tianyue58 reddevil1313's PR RonaldTanSingWei's PR
    timiditi wilburrito's PR Samuel-bit-prog's PR
    timothywongej JinxinZhao315's PR zacharylwy's PR
    trash-bin99 luodan01's PR ChuangZheQuan's PR
    trxe cyyeu's PR chingh20's PR
    tsinyee angnobel's PR pcgiang's PR
    tsiyuk Lemonsr's PR Tanishq4331's PR
    tsm1820 Justinhoejj's PR LMAOboxhack's PR
    tsy24 greyguy21's PR crypto-code's PR
    twothicc mukundrs's PR nicole-luo-exe's PR
    tzejit stanley-1's PR Chang-CH's PR
    uyencfi david-eom's PR atyhamos's PR
    vigneshsankariyer1234567890 zognin's PR feliciaivane's PR
    wangpeialex TTraveller7's PR g4ryy's PR
    wanninglim Zacchua's PR aryagiat's PR
    wanyu-l e0543860's PR sivayogasubramanian's PR
    waynetee bingcheng45's PR BenjaminLHR's PR
    weenleen bnjmnt4n's PR ryanpeh's PR
    wei2912 EssWhyy's PR KengXIII's PR
    weichang18 VimuthM's PR Javiier-pzk's PR
    weiquu rehmmann's PR chaiwanlin's PR
    wengYing227 cookiedan42's PR bernarduskrishna's PR
    whoisjustinngo chengseong's PR somekoreanboi's PR
    wilburrito Samuel-bit-prog's PR zihaooo9's PR
    willyamped WangGLJoseph's PR zhuoyang125's PR
    wlren bryanwee023's PR kslui99's PR
    wonyeji felissaf's PR GraceWang2322's PR
    wowsiddanth NecroWolf28's PR Droffilc13's PR
    wpinrui willyamped's PR WangGLJoseph's PR
    wyrchris EltonGohJH's PR kflim's PR
    wz27 trxe's PR cyyeu's PR
    xiangjunn mrmrinal's PR LuoZhijie-tom's PR
    xianlinc nbvannhi's PR JasonC01's PR
    xiongjya ruoyann's PR davelowqx's PR
    xlzior itsraveen's PR Ongzl's PR
    xnajasho luayida99's PR random689's PR
    xyliew25 fullfatwasabi's PR EthanWong6362's PR
    yatbun ooawagaeri's PR sebbycake's PR
    yeo-yiheng cheweejia's PR wyrchris's PR
    yeppog pss-coder's PR ziqing26's PR
    yin72257 Tianqi-Zhu's PR aakanshanarain's PR
    ykwei7 Chesterwongz's PR Yttruire's PR
    yongxiangng jennibearduit's PR szelongq's PR
    yourally2 cedricongjh's PR chrus-chong's PR
    yucheng11122017 rickyaandrew's PR dannytayjy's PR
    yuifuku1118 sj1999-BIT's PR IrvingHe000's PR
    yulonglim NayLin-H99's PR charltonator's PR
    yunpeng1234 michael-lee-sk's PR qreoct's PR
    yyhangz benedictchuajj's PR bklimey's PR
    yzhilong Zenlzb's PR Manoharan-Ajay-Anand's PR
    zacharylwy JeffZincatz's PR janjanchen's PR
    zhangchengchuan YoYoCiti's PR tau-bar's PR
    zhenghanlee rushilramesh's PR wpinrui's PR
    zhenxuantan huizhuansam's PR Zhouyirui's PR
    zhing22 timothywongej's PR JinxinZhao315's PR
    zhuoyang125 jivesh's PR IceWizard4902's PR
    zihaooo9 leonghongfai's PR yulonglim's PR
    ziqing26 meixuanjin's PR marcusc55's PR
    zognin feliciaivane's PR shermannws's PR
    zzybluebell Timothyoung97's PR tanruiquan's PR

  2. 10 minutes Find given problems: Go through the code in the diff view (i.e., the files changed tab), and find instances of following code quality problems (ignore other types of code quality problems)
    a. weak SLAP
    b. arrow-head style code
    c. too-long methods
    d. too-deep nesting

    To identify long methods or deep nesting, zoom out and scroll through the entire PR code to do a visual inspection (no need to read the code line-by-line). After visually locating a method that looks too long/deep, have a closer look to see it can be improved by using better abstraction.

    • If you can't find at least one example, you can try the fallback option provided, and failing that, another random iP PR.
    • You can also select borderline cases.
    • Paste screenshots of problematic code in the shared online document provided (in the section of the document allocated to you).
  3. 10 minutes Discussion: The tutor will lead a short discussion to go through the problematic code you found.

  4. After the tutorial, you can apply the insights gained from this activity to improve the code quality of your own iP, if necessary.

    You are not required to (but welcome to) post review comments in the PRs you examined.

2 User stories exercise

  • Consider the following user stories a team came up with, for a tP that aims to build a software for tracking travel plans.
1 As a … I can … So that I can … notes
2 first-time user see some sample trips when I open the app easily try out its features without needing to add my data first
3 first-time user see a help message explaining which features I should try first start by trying features that are more suited for new users e.g., "hey you seem to be new. Try adding a trip first"
4 new user ready to adopt the app for my own use purge all data get rid of sample/dummy data and start adding my real data
5 busy user track all trip-related data inside the app save time looking for data
6 user sending trip info to friends via email or telegram
7 user add a trip
8 user delete a trip get rid of trip no longer needed to track
9 user edit trip details correct mistakes I made when adding a trip
10 user view all trip details recall details of trips
11 user see the next upcoming trip details when I open the app save the step of searching for the trip reason: the next upcoming trips is the most likely trip the user may want to see
  • Think of the answers to the following questions. These will be discussed during the tutorial.
    1. Which user stories don’t follow the correct format?
    2. Any of them too big for the tP planning? i.e., cannot be implemented by one person within 1-2 days
    3. Which are must-have for v1.2? i.e., impossible to use the app without it

3 Prioritize tP user stories

  • If you haven't done so already, prioritize tP user stories as explained in the panel below.

4 time permitting Create a feature list for v1.2

  • If there is time left, do the following tP task that is scheduled for the following week.

Admin tP → week 6 → Conceptualize v1.2

  • Based on your user stories selected previously, conceptualize the product in terms of how it will look like at v1.2 in the form of a feature list.
    Note down the feature list in your online project notes document.